Wednesday, March 27, 2013


The last three of four weeks of training has sucked to say the least.  Three weeks ago I managed a measly 12 miles for the week.  The week after that the hotel I stayed at decided the gym was the best place to store supplies for the renovation they were in the middle of, so they closed it. Add 8 inches of snow outside and temps that barely hit 30 degrees for that week with this runner having no cold weather gear and you get zero miles.  Was not really worried since I had to use the rest of my vacation this week.  That was suppose to mean a full week of outside running and possibly a chance to get on my bike a few times if the weather cooperated.  Never made it to a point to worry about the weather.  Seems my beloved toe needed to be cut on once again.  Third time since Sept. of last year I have had to have a toenail cut out.  So after a long talk with my podiatrist (another check in the block for feeling old- MY podiatrist) I have been reassured there is a 90% chance of never having an issue with this toe again. I am not allowed to run till Saturday at the earliest.  

As soon as I am done with this update I am going to set down with the calendar and see what I can whip together for this year. While I was trying to stay away from the stress of a race schedule but it might be just what I need, a hard deadline with a put up or shut up date. By the time the RnR Chicago happens in July I should be working full time in Wisconsin, so the drive will be a short one.  If I can still find a room close to the start,  I should have enough status to get the room for free with a couple of the hotels I stay at on a normal basis.  On top of all that it is the first reunion of The RunJunkEes Society, and awesome group of runners that I am proud to say that I am part of. The issue is that I just don't want to run the race to finish it. I want to run the race to shatter my PR, like would love to get the half down to the sub 2:30 range. 37 minutes faster than last year,  not a hard feat if I had all the time and energy to devote as I did last season, but I don't so we I am really going have to focus to get this done. 

Interesting side note in my trials and tribulations with supplements.  Did some Internet research and thought just maybe my testosterone was a little low. The latest fad I know, but I had all the symptoms and thought what the hell.  Gave the testosterone boost High T a try. Bottle said 8 weeks to feel full effects but after three I was feeling pretty good. Got to head home for the weekend and was notified by my wife it was time to stop taking them immediately.  Apparently the one side effect that I didn't notice was that my fuse became beyond short and the adjective used to describe me best was simply "asshole". Marriage looked better (and cheaper) than divorce so we are done with that one and I am going through the trial of one more.  This one is GNC Meta-ignite. The only thing that hung me up with trying it earlier was the 400 mg of caffeine.  Will let you all know how it goes.  And before we go down this road with the comments, yes I do know there is no magic pill and in no way do I expect to find the pill that will make me skinny and fit all on it's own.  I am looking for a safe, effective pill to help jump start my body to burn the body fat at a slightly higher rate, and maybe a small appetite suppressant to assist with those cravings and urges. I do take a multi-pack of vitamins also.

Will update you all once I get the schedule on paper.  The only piece of good news is that I have lost 7 pounds in the last three weeks.  Not bad since my diet is just a hair better than before that.  Will take it as it is the only good part I can see it the last month. Just need to keep reminding myself that baby steps still count, for now.....



Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Updates and Ramblings

Having some issues keeping myself motivated here lately. I have been hitting it hard this week with 2 a day workouts: stationary bike in the morning and treadmill after work.  In my mind it was laid out as the comeback should be easier than the journey the first time.  It should take less time because that was a level of fitness my body knew quite well just 4 short months ago. Well my impatient butt is already feeling behind the power curve. I get frustrated when I am struggling at the 1.25 mile mark while on a treadmill that more than likely wasn’t built to support my weight in the first place. Trying to motivate and make things better in my mind, I head to my daily mile profile and before I could scroll down to my first workouts I started reading the stuff towards the end." A" pace entries for the bike, 5k’s near the 30 minute mark, and 7+ mile runs that were completed and felt great.   WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MYSELF IN 4 MONTHS???

 I know it takes work on a daily basis to get back to where I was and I know the progress last summer was month after month of dedication to the workouts and a strict diet, but damn I need to see some progress. Then I think about the time I was able to spend on this last summer.  No job or travel; I was able to work out all morning, every morning. I had a full functioning gym with pool and cardio classes, and an AMAZING trainer. Plus my bike with places to safely ride solo or with a group. None of this is available for now and more than likely will not be available most of the summer. Did I miss my chance to really do this 70.3 thing correctly? Hell, can I even get myself back into shape in time for a Sept half marathon, little alone a full marathon that was supposed to be the backup plan if I couldn’t get the 70.3 training done correctly? 

I am part of a group on Facebook called The RunJunkEes Society.  They are a great group of people with all different levels of experience when it comes to running.  They are a very active group who help and support each other. At times trying to keep up with the posts can be overwhelming. The creator of the group made up some shirts and of course, as with most exercise apparel, the 2XL size was a special order that was taken care of for me (Something most sites don’t even offer). The only bad part was once again I was self-appointed as part of what I will call the “fat crew”. Really kind of struck a chord, just like the cheap treadmills at the hotel that skips because they just can’t handle my weight or they need the belt waxed to help handle my weight.  Enough of my pity party, time to move on…..
Diet wise I am eating as well as I can out of a hotel room.  I have been carrying my protein bars for snacks at work, eggs and oatmeal for breakfast, wheat wrap for lunch, and usually a salad for dinner. I have struggled but am trying to keep my water intake at the 2 liter mark and have cut out the alcohol once again (miss you Angry Orchard). Some days are better than others.  Artificially sweetened tea or green tea if not water and I finally got to the 12 month mark without soda. I am really thinking about jumping off the deep end with this diet in the near future.  I am talking about stopping all eating out, even while traveling for work.  This would mean a ton of premixed salads and chicken or fish out of a can. I know starving myself will not help but am really struggling with keeping the diet clean enough with the amount of travel I do.

I am an all or nothing type of person.  Professionally and privately I can’t do things half way.  When I find something that catches my interest I become consumed with it. When I fail, it rocks me to the core. This roller coaster journey is killing me emotionally, but I just can’t quit………


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Rock Bottom Hurts When You Hit It!

I have finally reached rock bottom.  Something that I am not exactly proud of, but it happened all the same. The straw that broke the camels back was having to go out and buy new pants because the ones I bought last fall no longer fit comfortably and I look like someone who is stuffing 10 lbs of crap in a 5lbs bag when I wear them. Never mind the fact my shirts are back on the tight side around my belly.

Even if I don't reach my goal this year of a half ironman I  need to do something to keep me on the winning side of the battle of the bulge. Today was just a simple plan 30 minutes on the elliptical, or so I thought.  It ended up being one of the most emotionally and physically painful attempts ever.  When I started this journey last year there was no expectations as to what I should be able to do or not do. This was not the case today.  I know the last time I hit the elliptical I was close to 4 miles in 30 minutes and still had alot left in the tank afterwords.  Today it took every once of my discipline to stay on there past the 7 minute mark, and that was mentally devastating.  My only bright spot is that I hung on and finished the full 30 minutes and hit just over 3 miles.  Not horrible, but far from where I was. 

Really focused on getting back into the habit of 30 minutes of cardio 3 times a week.  Might try to push for more but not getting my hopes up just yet.  Also hoping getting back to working out will eventually lead me back into regulating my diet.  Last time I was three weeks into working out before I tightened the diet up. Still have not signed up for any type of race this year.  I was suppose to be 6 weeks out from my first trail half and 7 weeks out from a road half.  Obviously that isn't going to happen.  Just like I wanted to rerun my first 5k race from last year just so I could see how much better I was suppose to be, that one is something more like 5 weeks out at best, and is not happening either.


Monday, January 14, 2013

Keeping it real......

When I first began this journey exactly one year ago this week I knew I needed to change my eating habits and my lifestyle.  I was a stagnant, overweight, pack a day smoker who I am not sure would of ran even if my life DID actually depend on it. For months after my work accident I gave it my all, and had great results. 80 pounds gone and ran several races, including a half marathon. My diet was as close to flawless as any time of my life. Soda and cigarettes are no longer in my life. For one of the first times in my life I was actually proud of something I did for myself. I was proud enough to start this blog, and my plan was to use it to document my journey. Maybe even motivate someone to start a similar journey for themselves. More importantly this blog, the dailymile website, and all the facebook posts were suppose to be my fail safe. Public humiliation can be one hell of a motivator......usually.

Unfortunately (but fortunately) my fairytale came to an end in November when I started my new job. I tried hard in the beginning but with my travel being 80%+ it was hard to find times were the energy and time to workout were both there. One missed workout became two which became three. The excuses are plentiful and I could rattle them off faster than you could keep up. 3 months later and here I sit trying to rack my brain how to get this back on track, more than likely 20+ pounds heavier than I was in October last year. I am suppose to be ramping my run mileage back up for a trail and a road half marathon in less than 10 weeks. The road half was planned to be almost an hour faster than my last. Never mind my want to do the IM 70.3 at Steelhead in August 2013.

The only two positive things still going for me is the fact that I still have not drank a soda, and while I came very close one night after quite a few drinks, I still have not smoked. My first plan in trying to get this back on track was simple. By April I was suppose to be in Wisconsin  and working regionally.  Still a lot of travel during the day but I would be home most nights and weekends.  All I needed to do was somewhat maintain my run until then.  Well seems my motivation at work has been noticed and I have been asked to stay on a nationwide team, so that plan has gone out the window.

So while I am trying to formulate a long term plan the best thing I thought I could do was get the diet back under control starting today. My diet has not been terrible most of the time.  7 out of 10 times I make the right decisions on what to eat. My problem has been my portion control, and when I eat.  Grabbing fast food at the airport between flights and late night snacking has to stop.  I need to start eating more than three times a day and need to add the protein bars back in as a snack. Carbs need to go back to the off limits list.

It is the workouts that I am having the hardest time with. Even though I loved running on a treadmill when I first started running, I hate it with a passion now. Mentally can't get over the hurdle of two miles.  Baggage weight restrictions stop me from packing cold weather running gear, thus stopping the outside running. Not being in the same city for more than two weeks at a time makes it hard to join a gym.

Not sure what I am going to do about the workout hurdle, nor do I have any ideas of who I know that has lived this type of lifestyle and still progressed with their workouts. They would have the ideas and experience to help me.  I have not talked to anyone on my team since I left.  Kind of walking this path alone.  My wife thinks nagging and pointing out the weight every time I am home is going to motivate me no matter how many times I explain that it is counter productive. In my head this post was suppose to read quite the opposite. Should be at the 100 pounds lost point of the diet. Was hoping to have my average mile somewhere around the 9 minute mark and have the start of a six pack. I am embarrassed to have to write this post, but I want to keep this real to show all that this isn't easy.  


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I think I have lost that loving feeling......

It has been forever since I have updated this blog and I would like to begin with an apology. Sorry for the long delay, but unfortunately there is not much to report.  My fears of losing momentum came true very quickly. I have not totally stopped working out or dieting but I have not stuck to a schedule in a month. I could give you a thousand excuses but in the end the only one that is worth saying is that I dropped the ball on both the working out and my diet.  I feel and see the results of my poor choice in just about everything I do. I feel the weight and can even see it when I look in the mirror.  I have not hit the scale but really don’t need to; the look on the face of my trainer last week said it all.

I am not happy with this and started working towards getting back into the groove.  I am not going to call it a comeback and am not going to sing the praises how I am going to take over the world this time. The travelingthat comes with my new job will make this difficult.  The gym at work, and at the hotel leave a lot to be desired, but I am going to make it work.I don't have my bike with me, and I have not found a pool to swim in. I have found the one and only runner in my new company and am going to get the info on a group here to train with or at least some areas that are safe to run in. I miss my gym, all of my gear  that I bought to train with, the people who I trained with, and most of all I miss the team I trained with. While running is an individual sport, a group makes it so much better.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Changes coming, Stay with me here

So I have been not really pushing myself as of lately, but I have not really been slacking either.  I was on a nation wide expedition looking for a job for most of this last month.  I apologize for the delay in my progress report.  Seems I have found a good job, but that is both good and bad.  

The Good
I will be heading first to Ohio for about 20 weeks of training.  The area I will be in has hills!  Should greatly help with the strength training.  The 20 weeks I will be alone in an apartment which means I can keep the bad foods out and really get down to business with my diet. The plan is to lose the last 30 pounds that I need to during this time.   I have already reached out to the local triathlon club, but have not heard anything back so far.  There are a few indoor tri's on the books for next year around that area.  Will try to make most of them so I can get the experience and meet some people. Then I am off to Wisconsin and that brings a whole new area to learn about.  Trying to see what is going on up there as far as races and tri clubs are concerned.

The Bad
Besides being away from my family most of the time during those 20 weeks, I am leaving an area that is full of great athletes and has perfect weather for training most of the year.  I have met several friends in the area who have helped me learn so much about triathlons and myself. I am still trying to find out the specifics on getting my bike out to Ohio.  I will be driving a rental so I am waiting to see what I get before I send my bike out. Also want to talk to a LBS to see if it is even worth the money to send it due to weather. Going to have to find a new gym and pool too. By far the worse part of this is having to leave my team behind.  The ladies have worked so hard to get me were I am at now and it honestly makes me upset to have to leave them.  I know they will be there for me to answer any questions, but the option to just pop in and visit is soon gone.  They have kept me level headed and focused at the same time and each one will be missed more than they will ever know.

The Future
I am trying to get something of a schedule together of the races I hope to be in for 2013, but part of the new job is some serious travel.  As for now I am starting to train for a full marathon.  Hoping to be in shape enough to run one by March or April next year.  My time in Ohio should be great for this. I also have my eyes on a half trail marathon that is in the mountains of Virginia.  That should be a huge challenge and another check in the box for a race that is different than what I have done.  Please stay tuned to see what this new adventure brings.....

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Falling Behind

So I have missed two weeks worth of updates and as far as the training aspect of my life not too much has happened, and that is a problem. The first week missed ( two weeks ago) was a pretty normal week with my mileage, but I missed my individual bike ride at the swamp so only hit the mid 30's for mileage. This last week was a different story that while there was an excuse for the lack of mileage it is still concerns me.

Last week I had a very compressed schedule due to a two day trip to for a prospective job interview.  Monday was bootcamp as usual, but didn't get the recovery run in afterwards because I was finalizing my travel plans for the next day. Tuesday was suppose to be my solo ride but I spent the morning packing and all evening traveling so the workout was nixed. I did wake up at my hotel early and ran a quick 5k on the treadmill before my job interview on Wednesday. The interview went better than expected. Probably one of the best performances I have ever put in and was quite surprised at what I got for some feedback. They loved the fact that I decided to start this journey and was quite shocked to hear of the total weight loss and goals that I have set for myself for next year. Was also told by my prospective employer that my journey shows my determination and heart. They also said that I seemed to have a lot of energy. Thursday originally started out as a ride but for a reason unknown to me I switched to a long run. Put in seven miles at a better pace than when I ran that distance the last time, but stopped early due to a hip flexor issue.

Friday I had my hour of power with Shannon, my personal trainer. This was the first time I have hit the scales in months.  I was not prepared for what I saw and the only excuse I had going for me was that I ate lunch right before I showed up. First time in forever that I had a gain instead of a loss. It was only two pounds, but still it was a gain. I think that was the wake up call that I needed. I have been going through the motions but not really pushing myself.  I diet all week and then slack off a little on the weekends when the family applies pressure. The only way you can burn 7000-10000 calories a week and still gain weight is the diet. Then to add insult to injury both group rides this weekend were a washout. Last week was a pathetic 10 miles.

So this week we are back to basics. I got into the kitchen and started precooking some meals. If they are there in the fridge then the tight ass in me can't let them go to waste so I will eat them instead of going out.  Unfortunately Monday morning I woke up with my repaired should feeling tight and the more I did during bootcamp the worse it got. To the point were the pain was becoming sharp. For the first time ever I walked out of bootcamp class. By the time I got home I needed to vent so I grabbed the fuel belt and just took off.  Went for a 7 mile run to calm myself down. I have got to get my schedule opened up again so I can get some consistency in my workouts. Unfortunately my youngest son will be home with me at the end of this week and all of next week after he gets his tonsils out. Not sure how I am going to get around that one, but I will find a way.